.. _pushing: Pushing to Cachix ================= There are different ways to push store paths to Cachix. These instructions assume your binary cache is called ``mycache``. Pushing runtime dependencies ---------------------------- .. code:: shell-session $ nix-build | cachix push mycache Pushing build and runtime dependencies -------------------------------------- .. code:: shell-session $ nix-store -qR --include-outputs $(nix-store -qd $(nix-build)) \ | grep -v '\.drv$' \ | cachix push mycache Pushing shell environment ------------------------- .. code:: shell-session $ nix-build shell.nix -A inputDerivation \ | cachix push mycache Pushing whole /nix/store ------------------------ .. code:: shell-session $ nix path-info --all | cachix push mycache Pushing all newly built store paths ----------------------------------- .. code:: shell-session $ cachix watch-store mycache Push all store paths produced during a command ---------------------------------------------- .. code:: shell-session $ cachix watch-exec mycache -- nix-build --max-jobs 4 Flakes ------ Assuming `you're familiar with experimental Flakes support `_. Pushing flake inputs ******************** As flake inputs are downloaded from the internet, they can disappear. Copying them over to Cachix saves you from that day. .. code:: shell-session $ nix flake archive --json \ | jq -r '.path,(.inputs|to_entries[].value.path)' \ | cachix push mycache Pushing runtime closure *********************** To push runtime closure of the default package in a Flake: .. code:: shell-session $ nix build --json \ | jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' \ | cachix push mycache Note: to build all packages, leave a thumbs up on [#7165](https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/7165) issue. Pushing shell environment ************************* .. code:: shell-session $ nix develop --profile dev-profile $ cachix push mycache dev-profile